CiVL - Stream Movies, Shows & Screenings
Streaming humanity
Streaming humanity

Streaming humanity

Watch shows, films, and debates that explore the challenges facing humanity from diverse perspectives. Join our emerging community.

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Watch everywhere
Watch everywhere

Watch everywhere

Use your universal login on all of our apps. Watch on iOS, Android, Fire TV, and Roku.


Feature Film: The Internet's Own Boy

A dynamic film that follows the devastating and mortifying story of the the late Aaron Swartz (Reddit Co-Founder) and his battle with politics and the US justice system.


Now Playing: Imminent Threat

The war on terror's impact on civil liberties.

Shows & Podcasts

Feature Films


Now Playing: Gunpoint

A happy homeowner answers his door and discovers the true price of terror.


Now Playing: Speed of Life

"Speed of Life" follows a woman who has a chance to reflect on her life when a wormhole opens up following David Bowie's death. Written & Directed by Liz Manashi

Now Playing: Visionary Speaker Series

Stream Free Without Ads.

Monthly Patrons

Your monthly contribution helps us cover our storage and bandwidth costs.

Yearly Patrons

Contributing a year upfront helps us cover content licensing fees and software costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to watch on iOS, Android, Roku, Fire

Create an account on our website and use your login details to access any of our apps.

>>> Instructions for accessing our apps.

Are memberships really free?


Your membership gets you access to all of our content on our website and apps on iOS, Android, Roku, and Fire TV.

To redeem your free account, start on our website and then use your login information on the app you wish to use.

What films are playing?

If you click "Now Playing" you'll see a list of our films, shows, and debates.

We're in the process of finalizing licensing deals that will add tons of new, award-winning content.

Check back often. 

Why do the apps say $2.99/mo?

Accounts are free only if you create your account on our website and then use your login information on the app you wish to use. If you create your account on iOS, Android, Roku, Fire, you'll be charged, because these networks charge us.

To avoid paying $2.99/mo, create your account at our website and use your universal login on the apps. 

1) Create your account here.

2) Download the app you wish to use for iOS, Android, Roku, or Fire TV. 

3) Use your universal login.

What is a sustaining membership?

Sustaining memberships will launch with our platform Summer 2023.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we are a donor-supported platform. 

Sustaining members are a part of our Pay It Forward program that provides free membership passes to the public. This advances our mission by bringing more attention to our indie films and educational content. Without our generous donors, this would not be possible.

Sustaining members get access to all films and our exclusive community.

All donations are tax-deductible. 

Who's behind CiVL

We are supported by The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity.

We'd also like to thank The Advocates for Self-Government for its considerable contribution as an incubating of our platform.